
An Overview of Toothaches

Tooth pain and toothaches can occur for various reasons, but the common denominator is that dealing with the pain is not fun! Whether the discomfort builds or happens suddenly, tolerating the pain for long is not an option! An appointment with an experienced, friendly, and genuinely caring clinic like Chester Springs Dental should be the priority! This insightful overview of toothaches will help provide an understanding of several reasons why teeth may hurt. And if you have questions, we are always here!

Whether it’s sharp and sudden or dull and constant, tooth pain is hard to ignore. A toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve in the root of a tooth or surrounding a tooth is irritated. Dental (tooth) infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of dental pain. Pain may also occur after an extraction (when a tooth is pulled out). Pain sometimes comes from other areas and goes to the jaw, thus appearing to be tooth pain. The most common areas include the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint, or TMJ), ear, sinuses, and even occasionally from heart problems.

Bacteria growing inside your mouth can contribute to gum disease and dental decay, both of which can cause pain. Often, gum disease will not result in any pain.

You can prevent most dental problems by flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and having your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. The dentist may apply sealants and fluoride, which are especially important for children’s teeth.

Toothache occurs from inflammation of the central portion of the tooth called pulp. The pulp contains nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain. Inflammation of the pulp, or pulpitis, may be caused by dental cavities, trauma, and infection. Referred pain from the jaw may cause you to have symptoms of a toothache. The first step toward relief is to find out what’s wrong. A toothache may require a trip to the dentist.

If your teeth are healthy, a hard outer layer of enamel covers them to protect the nerves inside. The enamel can wear away over time. When the middle layer of your tooth is exposed, anything you eat or drink can reach your nerve endings.

Gum disease can make your teeth sensitive. Your gums shrink away from your teeth, and that exposes the roots. You also can damage your gums if you brush too hard.

A recent cleaning or a new filling may make you sensitive for a few weeks. Many people feel it after whitening treatments. An old filling that’s loose or damaged can cause it, too.

Your teeth come under attack every time you eat. Bacteria cling to them until you brush them away. They produce acid, which makes the holes in your enamel called cavities.

Or you could have a crack in a tooth that’s exposed the sensitive inner layers. Maybe you bit down on a cherry pit or were hit in the face during softball.

A cavity or a crack can cause sharp pain and make your mouth sensitive when you bite down. The longer the pain lingers, the more serious the damage is likely to be.

If it’s deep enough, a cavity or crack can let bacteria into the inner layer, called pulp, of your tooth. The pulp can become infected, and that can lead to a buildup of pus called an abscess. The infection can spread to tissue and bone, too.

This is a common problem brought on by stress, sleep disorders, or a bite issue. If you grind your teeth while you sleep, it can wear away your enamel and even cause a crack.

Teething hurts whether you’re a baby or an adult. You’re likely to feel it when your wisdom teeth start to push through your gums. Food can get stuck under the gum and cause decay and infection.

Your teeth may hurt because of an issue somewhere else in your body. That’s called referred pain. It can come from:

  • Certain kinds of headaches, like cluster and migraine
  • Clogged or infected sinuses
  • Problems in the joint or muscles that connect your jaw to your skull

In rare cases, a heart attack can cause tooth pain. It’s also a symptom of certain nerve diseases.

Toothache and jaw pain are common complaints. There may be severe pain from pressure, or from hot or cold stimuli. The pain may last for longer than 15 seconds after the stimulus is removed. As the area of inflammation increases, the pain becomes more severe. It may spread to the cheek, the ear, or the jaw. Other signs and symptoms that may lead you to seek care include the following:

  • Pain with chewing in your teeth or jaw
  • Headaches
  • Your teeth are sensitive to heat or cold. You’ll feel a couple of seconds of pain when something hot or cold hits them. Sweet or acidic foods may bother you, too.
  • Bleeding or discharge from around a tooth or gums
  • Swelling around a tooth or swelling of your jaw
  • Injury or trauma to the area
  • Bad breath
  • Fever
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Swollen glands

These signs and symptoms may sometimes be linked to dental decay, tooth fracture, or gum disease (periodontal disease). Dental decay or an area of redness around the tooth’s gum line may point to the source of pain. If you tap an infected tooth, it may make the pain more intense. This sign may point to the problem tooth even if the tooth appears normal.

Don’t put off a trip to the dentist if your teeth hurt. Cavities and cracks get worse over time. You should call your doctor or dentist about a toothache when:

  • Pain is not relieved by over-the-counter drugs
  • You have  severe pain after a tooth is pulled; this may occur on the second or third day after tooth extraction. This is a result of the clot falling out and bone exposed until a new clot can cover the exposed bone. The condition is known as alveolar osteitis or “dry socket syndrome.” If you develop this condition, you should see a dentist within 24 hours.
  • Pain is linked to swelling of the gums or face, or you have discharge around a tooth; fever is an important sign of infection in dental disease. Simple dental decay (caries) does not cause fever. These signs may mean there’s an infection surrounding the tooth, the gum, or the jawbone (mandible). Fever and swelling may be signs of an abscess. Dental abscesses may require antibiotics and surgical opening (drainage) of the abscess. When this procedure is recommended to be done inside the tooth (endodontic drainage), “root canal” therapy is performed.
  • Broken or knocked out teeth occur from an injury; unless associated with more severe injuries, your dentist should be contacted as soon as possible. Swallowed teeth and permanent tooth loss are considered dental emergencies. Tooth loss due to injury (traumatic loss) is treated differently in children who have lost their primary teeth than in older children and adults with injury to their secondary – or permanent – teeth. If a child’s permanent (adult) tooth is fully knocked out, try to gently rinse it off and re-implant it as soon as possible and seek dental care. If you are not able to get it back in, put it in a small amount of milk or even water and seek dental care.
  • Pain is present at the angle of your jaw; if every time you open your mouth widely you have pain, it is likely that the TMJ has been injured or inflamed. This can occur from an injury or just by trying to eat something that is too big. Your dentist may be able to suggest solutions to this problem.
  • Wisdom teeth are causing pain; as wisdom teeth (third molars) are coming into the mouth – or erupting – they cause inflammation of the gum around the visible portion of the crown. The gum overlying the crown may become infected. The tooth most commonly involved is the lower third molar. The pain may extend to the jaw and ear. There may be swelling in the affected area so that the jaw cannot be closed properly. In severe cases, pain in the throat and the floor of the mouth may make it difficult to swallow.
Any history of trauma, chest pain, heart disease, or rashes may suggest causes of pain other than of purely dental origin. These symptoms with toothache or jaw pain mean that you should visit your doctor or a hospital’s emergency department.

  • High fever or chills: This may indicate a more widespread infection that might require more than antibiotics by mouth.
  • Recent head or face injury: If you have a headache, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, or other symptoms that concern you after an injury to your face or mouth, you may have a more serious injury in addition to your dental injury.
  • A facial rash linked to a toothache: This condition may improve with medication. The doctor should be able to decide what is appropriate.
  • Any jaw pain that comes with chest pain: Although jaw pain is most commonly caused by dental disease, it is sometimes referred pain from other areas. People with heart disease, especially people who have had stents placed, people with diabetes, or those who have had heart surgery, may have jaw pain as a symptom of a heart attack or angina. If your jaw or tooth pain is comes with lightheadedness, sweating, or shortness of breath, you should see a doctor.
  • Trouble swallowing or excessive pain or bleeding from gums: If you have a history of a weakened immune system, diabetes, or steroid use, you may be more likely to get infections. Infections can often be more severe and extensive or caused by unusual organisms. Dental and gum infections in people with these conditions may require more aggressive treatment. An abscess may need draining or IV antibiotics, for example.

A thorough medical history and oral exam usually lead to the right diagnosis.

Sometimes, X-rays called periapical and Panorex views (panoramic X-rays of the teeth and jaw) are taken. Rarely, lab evaluation, including EKG tracings of the heart, will assist the doctor. If the cause is something other than a dental or jaw problem, the doctor may prescribe drugs directed at the problem. If the condition is more severe, the doctor may admit you to the hospital for further care. You may be referred to a dentist for further treatment.

For toothaches:

  • Over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be used. Take these as directed on the package while you arrange a dental appointment.
  • Avoid very cold or hot foods, because they may make the pain worse.
  • You may get relief from biting on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. You can get oil of cloves at most drugstores.
  • Special toothpastes can make your teeth less sensitive. And you can reverse early gum disease when you brush and floss correctly.

For jaw pain:

  •  Aspirin may be helpful for problems in the joint of the jaw in adults.
  •  Acetaminophen (not aspirin) should be used for children and teenagers.
  • If pain happens every time you open your mouth widely, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) may be the source of the pain. Yawning or taking a large bite of food may worsen the pain. An appointment with your doctor or dentist will help you find the cause.

In most cases, toothaches or jaw pain signifies a problem that must be cared for by a dentist.

A referral to a dentist for follow-up will usually be arranged. In some cases, the doctor may try a shot around the tooth for pain control. If there is swelling in the gums or face, or if you have a fever, antibiotics may be prescribed.

  • At the dentist’s office, fillings, pulling teeth, or other procedures may be performed as required. A tooth extraction will be the most likely procedure with a primary (baby) tooth. On permanent teeth, if the problem is severe, root canal therapy (cleaning out the nerves and blood vessels and sealing off the root canals of the tooth) and crown procedures are generally performed.
  • An antibiotic will usually be prescribed if a fever or swelling of the jaw is present. Such procedures are generally done in stages, with pain and infection being cared for right away and reconstructive procedures being performed at a later time (weeks to months). You will be able to return to work or school while you recover. Dentists and oral surgeons may plan other procedures at the most appropriate time.
  • If causes other than the teeth or jaw are responsible for the pain, management will depend on the condition.

After toothache treatment at your dentist’s office, continue to practice good dental care. Routine and prompt follow-up appointments with the dentist should relieve your dental pain faster.

When you leave the emergency department, take the medications as prescribed and keep your follow-up appointment. If you have any concerning signs or symptoms, call your doctor.

Stopping smoking may help improve some dental conditions. If you are having trouble quitting, talk to your doctor about assistance.

Most people can avoid toothaches and severe dental problems with regular dental care. Have your dentist’s telephone number easily available in case of an emergency.

  • Maintain a healthy diet. Bacteria thrive on refined sugar and starch and need this in order to burrow through the enamel on your teeth. Watch what you eat, and be careful about food that sticks to and between your teeth. Brush your teeth after eating.
  • Establish a good program of cleaning your teeth to remove food particles. Brush your teeth after eating, and brush your gums to encourage gum health. Use a soft toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste as recommended by the American Dental Association. Floss between teeth daily. Water jets are effective at removing trapped particles, but flossing your teeth does a more thorough job when done carefully. Rinse daily with an antiseptic mouthwash to help get rid of bacteria that cause plaque and early gum disease.
  • Prevent tooth decay with fluoride. Fluoride is effective in preventing tooth decay in children. Fluoride is a natural element and is found in many water supplies and vegetables. Check and see if your tap water is fluoridated. If your water is not fluoridated, your dentist can prescribe fluoride tablets or fluoride supplements for children younger than 10 years.
  • Arrange to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist at least twice a year. It may help in preventing both decay and gum disease. Dental X-rays may be needed every 3 to 5 years to identify problem areas.
  • Keep your bridge or dentures clean. Your dentist can offer suggestions. Even if you do not have all of your original adult teeth, you can prevent new dental problems if you try these preventive tips.
  • Wear a protective dental guard or headgear while playing sports to help prevent injury.
  • Do not smoke. Tobacco smoking may make some dental conditions worse.

For most common causes of toothaches, the prognosis is good with the right dental care. Following good dental hygiene, such as brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing, rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash, and routine check-ups by the dentist, helps to prevent dental problems.

Dr. Richard Gross, Dr. Graeme Hudson, and the rest of our team at Chester Springs Dental put the patient first with everything we do! Our clinic uses the latest technology for cosmetic, general, and restorative dentistry — and we will take care of any toothache in our welcoming, stress-free offices. Call today for a consultation at 610-524-9530 or join our Facebook Community here!

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Zoom Whitening at Chester Dental Gets Results up to 8 Shades Whiter!

Do you often see people with beautifully white smiles and wonder how they possibly keep their teeth that brilliant? Chances are, those people do not get their teeth so pearly white without help. Countless factors cause our teeth to become dull, stained, and lose their lovely sheen — despite maintaining a regular and thorough cleaning regime! People have several options to get their smile looking bright again; however, many over-the-counter products will not produce the results that professional whitening (such as the procedures at Chester Springs Dental) can achieve. Our Exton dentists use Philips Zoom! Whitening System. When you choose in-office tooth whitening, stronger whitening ingredients are used to safely complete your treatment. Here is a great resource to discover more about teeth whitening. 

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Most dentists perform tooth whitening.

Teeth whitening is not a one-time procedure. It will need to be repeated from time to time if you want to maintain the brighter color.

What It’s Used For

The outer layer of a tooth is called the enamel. The color of natural teeth is created by the reflection and scattering of light off the enamel, combined with the color of the dentin under it. Your genes affect the thickness and smoothness of the enamel. Thinner enamel allows more of the color of the dentin to show through. Having smoother or rougher enamel also affects the reflection of light and therefore the color.

Every day, a thin coating (pellicle) forms on the enamel and picks up stains. Tooth enamel also contains pores that can hold stains.

The most common reasons for teeth to get yellow or stained are:

  • Using tobacco
  • Drinking dark-colored liquids such as coffee, cola, tea and red wine
  • Not taking good care of your teeth
  • Aging makes teeth less bright as the enamel gets thinner and the dentin becomes darker.

It is also possible to have stains inside the tooth. These are called intrinsic stains. For example, intrinsic stains can be caused by exposure to too much fluoride as a child while teeth are developing. Other causes include tetracycline antibiotics. They can stain a child’s teeth if taken by a mother during the second half of pregnancy or by a child who is 8 years old or younger. Teeth are still developing during these years. Trauma may also darken a tooth.

Tooth whitening is most effective on surface (extrinsic) stains.

Preparing to Have Teeth Whitened

Other dental problems can affect the success of tooth whitening. For example, cavities need to be treated before teeth are whitened. That’s because the whitening solution can pass through decayed areas and reach the inner parts of the tooth. If your gums have receded, the exposed roots of your teeth may appear yellow or discolored. Whitening products will not make them whiter.

If you have tooth decay or receding gums, whitening may make your teeth sensitive. Whitening also does not work on ceramic or porcelain crowns or veneers.

Whitening can be done in the dental office or at home. For in-office whitening, your dentist probably will photograph your teeth first. This step will help him or her to monitor the progress of the treatment. Your dentist also will examine your teeth and ask you questions to find out what caused the staining.

Next, the dentist or a dental hygienist will clean your teeth. This will remove the film of bacteria, food and other substances that build up on your teeth and contribute to the staining. Once this is done, the whitening procedure begins.

For whitening at home, your dentist can make trays to hold the whitening gel that fit your teeth precisely. Home whitening gel usually needs to be applied daily for two to three weeks. Over-the-counter kits also are widely available for home use. They provide trays to hold the gel, or whitening strips that stick to your teeth. Talk to your dentist if you want to use these home products. Be sure to follow directions to avoid overuse and possible damage to your teeth and mouth.

How It’s Done

There are two main types of teeth whitening procedures. Vital whitening is performed on teeth that have live nerves. Non-vital whitening is done on a tooth that has had root-canal treatment and no longer has a live nerve.

Vital Whitening

The most common type of vital tooth whitening uses a gel that is applied directly to the tooth surface. This product contains some form of hydrogen peroxide.

Tooth whitening can be done in the dentist’s office or at home. In-office whitening allows your dentist to use a more powerful whitening gel. A specialized light or laser activates the gel and allows bleaching to happen faster.

In-office whitening usually takes 30 to 90 minutes. You will need 1 to 3 appointments. The number will depend upon the method used, how severe your stains are and how white you want your teeth to be. Different types of stains respond differently to the treatment.

First, your dentist will apply a substance that covers and protects the gums around the teeth. Then, the whitening agent will be placed on the teeth.

Some whitening agents are activated by a laser light, special lights or by the heat from these lights. After the whitening agent is applied, the dentist will shine the light on your teeth. If they are badly discolored, your dentist may suggest that you continue the bleaching process at home for a few days or weeks.

For in-home whitening, your dentist will take impressions of your upper and lower teeth and will make custom mouthpieces to fit you. The mouthpiece needs to fit well. A close fit helps the whitening agent remain in contact with your teeth.

At home, you will fill each mouthpiece with a whitening gel your dentist provides. You will wear the mouthpiece for several hours every day. Many people achieve the amount of whitening they want within a week or two. However, you may need to wear the mouthpiece for four weeks or longer.

You also can buy whitening products over the counter. They contain a weaker whitening agent than the products you can get from your dentist. Therefore, whitening may take longer. The whitening agent is applied as a gel placed in a mouthpiece or as a strip that sticks to your teeth. Over-the-counter mouthpieces fit less securely than the kind you get from your dentist.

Whitening toothpastes are available as well. They contain abrasives that remove stains on the enamel.

Non-Vital Whitening

Vital whitening may not improve the appearance of a tooth that has had root-canal treatment because the stain is coming from the inside of the tooth. If this is the case, your dentist will use a different procedure that whitens the tooth from the inside. He or she will place a whitening agent inside the tooth and put a temporary filling over it. The tooth will be left this way for several days. You may need this done only once, or it can be repeated until the tooth reaches the desired shade.

Follow-Up Teeth Whitening

If you find that your gums are white or sore, follow up with your dentist.

Whitening is not a permanent solution. The stains will come back. If you smoke or consume a lot of staining foods or drinks, you may see the whiteness start to fade in as little as one month. If you avoid these sources of staining, you may not need another whitening treatment for 6 to 12 months.

Re-whitening can be done in the dentist’s office or at home. If you have a custom-made mouthpiece and whitening agent at home, you can whiten your teeth as often as you need to. Discuss your whitening schedule with your dentist. You can talk about what whitening products would work best for you.


Whitening is unlikely to cause serious side effects, although some people’s teeth may become more sensitive for a short while. You may get mild gum irritation as well. Women should not have their teeth whitened while pregnant. The effect of the whitening materials on the development of the fetus is not known. Since the procedure is cosmetic, it should be postponed until after delivery.

When To Call a Professional

If you feel your teeth would benefit from whitening, contact your dentist to discuss the procedure.

Patients who turn to professionals like Dr. Richard Gross or Dr. Graeme Hudson at Chester Springs Dental enjoy a brighter smile (up to eight shades!) in one visit and always love the results! Choosing Chester Springs Dental for professional teeth whitening means having access to experts with superior technology to achieve beautifully whiter teeth. We are here to answer any questions and book a consultation! Call today at 610-524-9530 or join our Facebook Community here!

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